Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Enlargement is a common prostate problem affecting nearly all men at some point in their lives. While BPH is more common in older men, not all men with BPH will have symptoms. BPH is not a life threatening condition, however it can significantly impact your quality of life. BPH tends to become more symptomatic over time. BPH symptoms can progressively worsen to a point where some men might develop acute urinary retention requiring insertion of an indewelling catheter to relieve BPH related obstruction to the flow of urine.

There are a wide variety of treatments available for management of BPH. Given its one of the most common reasons for visiting a urologist, Dr Dias prefers to tailor his recommendation to the needs and expectations of the patient. After all, the main focus of BPH treatment is to improve the quality of life and to prevent complications arising out of long standing obstruction to the flow of urine from the bladder. Dr Dias offers the following treatments for management of BPH:

  • Medical Theraphy

  • Minimally invasive surgical treatments
    • Urolift
    • Rezum
    • Transurethral incision of prostate

  • Ablative surgical treatments
    • TURP
    • HoLEP
    • Green light laser photovapourisation